Impact Youth

Fall 2024

“faith in action”

Impact Youth 2024


In a world where expectation is a dirty word, and in a generation where the acceptable moral standard of goodness seems to be the lowest it’s been in modern times, the church needs to stand firm. Our students need to stand firm and our families need to stand firm in the truth of the Bible. The difficult part is that for most of us who claim a faith in Christ, that faith is largely intellectual and there are very few tangible things about our daily life that points others to Christ through us, through our actions, our sacrifices and our general desire to prove our love for God through our lives. This semester we will be challenging our students to be searching for a faith that is based in action, a faith that takes steps and moves mountains. Not a faith that is merely word alone, shallow, empty, void of goodness and ultimately, dare I say not much of a faith at all. An empty faith is frustrating because it is void of the promises of God, and we get frustrated chasing emptiness. Our students need a faith that is alive and in full pursuit of our Lord and Savior! 1 John 3:18 says, “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech, but with actions and in truth.”


Fall Schedule ‘24

August 28th - December 18th

August 28th – Youth Group Kick-Off 

September 4th – Faith in Action Intro 

September 11th – Movie Night – “The Hill” Netflix 

September 18th – Not a Fan Session 1 

September 25th – Not a Fan Session 2 

October 2nd – Not a Fan Session 3 

October 9th – Service Work – Middle School 

October 16th – Service Work – High School 

October 30th – No Youth Group – Trunk or Treat on Thurs. 

November 6th – Not a Fan Session 4 

November 13th – Not a Fan Session 5 

November 20th – Not a Fan Session 6 

November 27th – No Youth Group (Thanksgiving Break) 

December 4th –  TBD

December 11th – TBD

December 18th – Christmas Party (Last Youth Group)


Spring Semester will begin on January 8th, 2025. 

Special Events

September (TBD) – D&D Kick-off Night – Middle School  

October 19th – “Keep on Gaming” Rolla Arcade – All Ages

Trunk or Treat – October 31st – As much participation as possible is encouraged! 

November 16th (Tentative) – Christmas in the City – High School Shopping Trip (Attendance for this trip must be cleared with Caleb.)


Impact Ministry is our calling to reach students for Christ! Here at SJCC we really have a heart for sharing the real Jesus Christ with every student we encounter. We live in a crazy world that is vying for our children's attention in any way it can get it. The world keeps us busy and distracted but here at SJCC we strive to show our students that there is a different, better way to live and that life is found in Jesus. Come see what we are all about here Wednesdays @ 5:30pm where we minister to students each week and challenge them that in every step they take it is one step closer to Christ!

(No Regular youth group during summer months) 

Impact Youth (7th - 12th grade)

Wednesday Nights 5:30 - 7:00pm

Impact Kidz (1st - 5th grade)

Wednesday Nights 5:30 - 7:00pm

Impact Juniors (Preschool - kindergarten)

Wednesday Nights 5:30 - 7:00pm

6th Graders

We welcome all 6th-grade students to join our Impact Youth Group Family! 6th grade is the entry point we use to get students plugged into our youth ministry. Since they will be the youngest students in our older group we want to meet with you the parents and the students so that everyone knows what we are all about and our expectations for the group. If you or your 6th grader are interested in being a part of our group we ask that you call Caleb F. our youth minister and set up a time that you and your student can meet with him. During this short meeting, we will need to get contact info, go over guidelines and expectations and explain what your student can expect each Wednesday. With all this done, we believe your student will have everything they need to feel right at home in our Impact family! 

Hey, My name is Caleb and I am the youth minister here at SJCC. Over the past 9 years God has blessed this ministry in amazing ways, growing not only in numbers but more importantly growing and developing each students relationship with Jesus. It has been amazing to be apart of and to witness first hand what God is doing here! Come join us for a meal at 5:30pm, fun, a little craziness and whole lot of Jesus as we dive into the scriptures and learn about how He really wants us to not only live but thrive! Can't wait to meet you! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me through our Facebook page, email, text or call! Email -

-Caleb Facculyn-Gous-

1 John 3:18 - "Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue, but in actions and in truth."



