Honor Club


Honor Club Summer session 2024

July 15-18,22-25


What is Honor Club?

Honor club is an event based student ministry designed to teach, mentor and model faith, respect, compassion cooperation and morality. The anchor points of this ministry are the biennial Honor Club Spring Formal, and the annual Honor Club session.

Honor is something of a lost art. Which is really a shame, because having and showing honor is a straight up super power. It opens doors, improves relationship, builds characters, and just generally makes us better people!

So why wouldn’t we build a summer opportunity for students built around the virtue of honor?

Honor club is structured around ten biblical principles of Honor, and founded on these simple premies:

Teach students honor, by treating the with honor.

Regard each individual as someone worthy of receiving, and capable of demonstrating honor.

Maintain an unapologetically high standard of honor, to which both students and staff are expected to aspire.

Provide unique opportunities for students to practice honor, and experience themselves positively impacting their community and their world.

Have a lot of fun doing it!