Who We Are

What Kind of Church Is This?

SJCC is a Restoration Movement church.  The Restoration Movement was founded on the intent to restore early Christianity and the early church, by returning to practices guided exclusively by Scripture, rather than by any human tradition or creed.  We remain, today, powerfully influenced by that ideal.  

While we are affiliated with Christian Churches and Churches of Christ across the nation and around the world, Restoration churches generally consider themselves “non-denominational” because they have no centralized church government.  Each congregation is independently governed by a group of elders, selected by the congregation for their ability to provide healthy spiritual leadership to the fellowship.  

Do I Have to Be a Member?

Non-members will always be welcome here.  Our only expectation of non-members is they participate peacefully and with respect for our beliefs.  If you are here to consider what we teach and to learn about Jesus, you are particularly welcome, and we are happy to help you make that journey in any way we can.  You do not have to be a member of SJCC to attend worship or participate in most of our events and ministries.  However, many ministry roles, all teaching roles, and all leadership roles within the church are limited to members.

Do I Have to Be Perfect?

Of course not.  If perfection were the standard, this congregation would have no members at all!  The beliefs, values, and expectations outlined here are the ideals we strive for,  because our ideals help shape the kind of people, and the kind of church community, we are becoming.  But we fall short of them regularly.  We are all dependent on God’s grace and forgiveness here, so we will do our best to extend grace and forgiveness to one another.

What are our Core Values?

Our mission is “Transforming lives through Jesus Christ.”  In order to keep ourselves focused on that mission, we’ve identified seven core values, taken directly from Scripture, which we revisit consistently.  

Love God.  Matthew 22:37

Love Others.  Matthew 22:39

Seek the Kingdom.  Matthew 6:33

Speak the Truth.  Ephesians 4:15

Pray Always.  1 Thessalonians 5:17

Walk in the Spirit.  Galatians 5:16

Make Disciples.  Matthew 28:19

If you are planning on worshipping with us soon, know that we are excited to meet you, and if you have any questions before your visit, please do not hesitate to contact us at sjcc4u@gmail.com or youthminsjcc@gmail.com.